Blimbing wuluh The little one who is full of many benefits

Have you ever tasted starfruit? Did you know, it turns out that there are various benefits of star fruit that you may not know about.

If you’re craving something sour, maybe Moms will immediately think of fruit kedondong which is usually mixed with other fruit in a salad dish.

Even though there are also other fruits that have a sour taste that is no less than kedondong, namely starfruit.

Wuluh starfruit or known as vegetable starfruit is a tropical fruit originating from Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. This fruit belongs to the genus Averrhoa in the family Oxalidaceae.

The fruit is oval yellowish green and has the scientific name Averrhoa bilimbi. Belimbing wuluh contains a lot of water and has a strong sour taste.

Water in starfruit has a high concentration of oxalic acid and is useful for cleaning and whitening teeth and skin. Indonesian people usually use wuluh starfruit to mix soup, chili sauce, curry, and so on.

Starfruit plants can grow in the yard. But unfortunately there are still many people who are not aware of the benefits of this small and sour fruit. Behind its sour taste, starfruit stores many important nutrients for skin health and beauty.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 80 percent of African and Asian people have used starfruit as traditional medicine. A number of studies prove the fruit can help meet the needs of health and beauty care.

According to Science Direct, starfruit contains nutrients such as protein, as well as vitamins (A, C, and B complex). This fruit also contains minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, and iron. Moreover, star fruit vegetables also contain antioxidants and astringent substances.

Citing the journal Archives of Pharmacy and Biological Science, 100 grams of star fruit contains about 30 grams of calories and various nutrients such as:

• 2.8-3 grams of fiber

• 6.7 grams of carbohydrates

• 60 IU of vitamin A

• 35 milligrams of vitamin C

• 0.15 milligrams of vitamin E

• 12 micrograms of folate

• 130 milligrams of potassium

• 10 milligrams of magnesium

• 0.12 milligrams of zinc

In starfruit, there are also B vitamins and various types of antioxidants, such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and flavonoids.

Want to know what are the benefits of star fruit? Check out the explanation below, let’s go!

Benefits of star fruit for health

1. Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

The first benefit of star fruit is its ability to control blood sugar levels, it can also monitor insulin activity in the body.

This is because the flavonoid content and rich dietary fiber in bilimbi are able to work to prevent sudden spikes in blood glucose levels after eating, thereby helping to control the symptoms of diabetes.

2. Helps Manage Hypertension

The content of antioxidants and protein are the benefits of star fruit which can also function as an extraordinary natural remedy to reduce high blood pressure or hypertension.

By consuming this fruit decoction, you can get benefits on blood pressure in the blood vessels. It will work by dilating arteries, veins and capillaries and relaxing the heart muscle.

The benefits of star fruit from the moderate level of antioxidants contained in it, can also ward off free radicals which are one of the factors that cause various diseases, such as cancer, diabetes mellitus, to neurodegenerative diseases.

3. Able to Treat Hemorrhoids

The benefits of star fruit that you would not think about before are overcoming hemorrhoids. Citing an article from Netmeds, this is because in the fruit there are strong anti-inflammatory elements, namely tannins and terpenoids.

This compound will help reduce swelling in the veins of the anus and rectum, a condition known as hemorrhoids.

Applying the extracts of the fruit and leaves to the affected area will reduce the pain, swelling and bleeding so that it will slowly improve the hemorrhoids.

4. Cure Coughs and Colds

The high vitamin C content in star fruit can also provide extraordinary benefits for immune system function.

In turn, the benefits of star fruit will strengthen the body’s defense mechanism and then be able to treat coughs and colds due to seasonal changes and allergies.

5. Helps Diet

Want to be skinny? You can try the benefits of star fruit for this one diet.

This fruit contains fiber. If consumed, then this fiber can make you full faster and full longer too. This way, your desire to eat will then decrease.

Benefits of star fruit for beauty

1. Effective in getting rid of acne

Acne is one of the skin problems that can reduce a person’s level of confidence in appearance. When acne occurs, people usually immediately do various ways to eradicate it.

You can use starfruit to be used as an acne medicine naturally and safely without side effects. This fruit contains oxalic acid which is useful in reducing acne.

The trick, clean starfruit first. If it is clean, puree or blender the fruit to make a face mask. Let stand a few minutes to dry, then rinse with clean water.

2. Brighten Face

Apart from acne, dull skin can also lower self-confidence. You can overcome this by wearing a starfruit mask.

The content of vitamin C in star fruit is able to make facial skin brighter and glowing. In addition, this fruit can also reduce black spots and keep the skin tight.

3. Shrink Pores

For those who have problems with large pores, you can try using a facial treatment with starfruit.

You can use starfruit as a face mask to clean bad bacteria that clog pores. So, you can avoid oily face.

Check out the related article here.

4. Make Ageless

The content of vitamin C and vitamin A in star fruit is an antioxidant that can overcome free radicals that cause premature aging. The content of minerals and other nutrients in this fruit is also useful for reducing fine lines or wrinkles on the face, so the skin will look more youthful.

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